
Artwork – this is the first requirement for any printing job. We are here to assist and guide you to ensure that your artwork is print ready and the quality is of high standards as we expect nothing less.
Usually artwork is provided to us in an open PDF file in order for us to make any necessary changes. All fonts has to be embedded in the artwork or supplied separately. Artwork can also be supplied in your Design program such as Coral draw, Adobe Illustrator, Freehand etc. This has to be saved as an EPS file.
If artwork is saved in Coral draw save as a CDR file and for Adobe Illustrator as an AI – convert all text to curves. For any CMYK colour printing we will consider JPEG artwork with a minimum resolution of 300DPI. IF you are unsure of anything regarding artwork, Please email us what to have available
And we will advise you should we require any changes.
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Native file formats accepted
- Press ready PDF – with fonts embedded, Ideally this should be PDF/X-4:2008 compliant.
- Quark Xpress (up to v8) – supply fonts and images, using ‘Collect for Output’ from the ‘File’ menu.
- Adobe InDesign – supply fonts and images, using ‘Package’ from the ‘File’ menu.
- Adobe Illustrator – fonts converted to outlines and images > embedded or supplied separately
- Adobe Photoshop – layers flattened, at least 300 dpi, JPEG, TIFF or PSD
Macromedia Freehand (up to MX) – fonts converted to paths and images embedded or supplied separately - Corel Draw (up to v11) – fonts converted to Curves then export as Illustrator AI or PDF.